My work

Rhetorical Précis

Name Jordan Rodriguez

Professor Orwig

English 110

Date: 4/1/2024

Source 1:

This source discusses companies that have already replaced employees with AI. I see this source as important not because of who is replacing employees with AI as the article focuses on, but rather on how it shows the feasibility of it. If companies like these are successful in replacing jobs with AI and are able to increase profits and impress shareholders, I think more companies will follow. This source proves the idea of replacing jobs with AI is possible, where as some may believe it is not yet possible.

Source 2:

This source described the Tesla robot in its current state. It talks about how in its current state it is only capable of working with humans inside of factories, but it will “one day mow lawns and do dishes”. This essay is not focused on if robots can replace every human job over night. My essay will focus on how companies like tesla are working on robots that will be able to one day. If tesla, a company worth half a trillion dollars, believes it can deliver a robot capable of completing blue labor jobs like factory work, I believe it. Tesla has very well paid engineers to build and improve this tech. And since there is money to be made, other tech companies will follow. Even if it takes 5 or 10 or even 15 years, its clear they’ll be able to deliver on their promise of robots capable of replacing all manual labor jobs. I believe the government needs to prioritize employment. We need laws that prevent companies from getting even richer while the unemployment rate skyrockets. 

Source 3:

This source describes Auroras new driverless truck. “By the end of this year, the trucks will for the first time start traveling alone, without human(s)” If these companies are successful, they will be able to sell shipping companies like Amazon and Fedex these trucks. Truck drivers have to make at least minimum wage, and cannot work 24/7, unlike a driverless truck. Even if a driverless truck costed an extra $100,000 over a regular one, it is worth it to a company. A human can’t work 24 hours a day, unlike a robot. Even if someone worked 18 hours a day, 365 days a year, they have to be paid minimum wage which is $47K a year. They would make their money back in 2 years, and get way more hours of use out of a robot. Therefore, every shipping company on earth would pick the driverless truck once the tech is safe enough, so I think that we need to regulate this before it’s too late. This is just one example of upcoming tech that could replace millions of american jobs.

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